Viewing entries tagged
Bay Area summer camps


Camp Round-Up 2013: Writing & Art Camp in San Mateo

Campers at our private "Take Flight!" camp in San Mateo learned about the art of flying, Amelia Earhart and composed a letter that Ms. Earhart may have written. (Click on each writing sample to read a larger version.)

Sometimes, inspiration comes from far away places.

As a part of the art program, campers learned about creation, observation and revision.

On a “gallery walk”, the group looked at dioramas done by fellow campers. Instructor Angela asked the campers to point out interesting elements in other people’s work – be it paper folding, colors or layering. Afterwards, when asked if anyone wanted to work more on their own piece, all campers raised their hands.

The campers began mapmaking after discussing Amelia Earhart.


One of our favorite moments of a session is hearing young writers read their work. Click on each photo to see a larger version of each author presenting to the group.



Summer Camp Registration Still Open! Plus New SF Camp!

Summer camps are in full swing, but there's still time register. Check here for info!

Plus - we've just added a new camp in August!

*Camp at The Booksmith, San Francisco*

Peanut Butter and the Pen – Food Writing for Kids©

Kids ages 8 – 12

August 6th – 10th (1 week) M-F, 9:00-12:15

Location: In the cafe at The Red Vic (1665 Haight Street, across the street from The Booksmith)

Cost: $250 per camper, includes a journal, pen, and snacks
