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John Muir


Read It Here First! Taking flight with our John Muir Young Writers

For the past few months at John Muir Elementary in Berkeley, our third and fourth grader writers have focused on flight. They’ve learned about Amelia Earhart, bees, Daedalus and Icarus, and more. Explorations have included making movies in their minds of what it would be like to fly and imagining themselves up high in the blue sky, buzzing around as bees, airplanes and more.

Enjoy a sample of their work - get ready for take off! (Pictures are enlarged so you can read the work in the writer's own hand.)

Crash Landing!
Paloma imagined she was Amelia Earhart and wrote a letter to her sister as her plane crashed to earth.

The Phoenix

Aeris wrote a poem describing the flight of the phoenix featured in the Harry Potter series.

Where’d Everybody Go?

Nohelia wrote a story about a bee who woke up one morning to find that his friends had left him behind.


Simon imagined he was Amelia Earhart and wrote a letter of appreciation to his plane.

How Do They Do it?

During a free write period (when writers may choose to write about anything s/he wishes), Sophie wrote about the power the color pink has over some people.

Choose Your Own Adventure

T.J. wrote about a bee who wakes up to find all the other bees are gone!


After learning about bumblebees, Bodi explored the world outside the hive.

The Wonders of Childhood

Gavi wrote about why she loves childhood so, so much.

I love being a kid. Maybe its that bouncey feeling where you feel like jumping of the walls. Or maybe it's hearing your parents complaining about stuff you don't have to worry about. But I think its the wild, out of control way of living. Just runing and breathing in the fresh air.

No limits. No one to draw the line. No rules. But most of all no rages.
