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Summer Camp 2011 - Daily Diary: Lafayette Day 8

Today we continued to explore persona and identity. The students wrote Persona Poems following a template and made masks to go with them. They also wrote Letters to their Future Selves!


Andy: about Justin Bieber’s persona


I understand that you might not like me.

I say that I am good at singing.

I dream that I’m the best singer.

I try to sing good.

I hope that I don’t get a cracked voice.

I am cool and nice.


SJ: from Iron Man to Hulk


I understand that he is stronger.

I say that I am stronger.

I dream that I am strongest.

I try to hold a building.

I hope I am strongest.

I am brave and strong.


Genie: sister to a sister


I pretend that I’m a princess or a singer

I feel a comforting and warm hand.

I touch my dress, my hair, and my face.

I worry about my lost library book.

I cry when I hurt myself or am sick.

I am adventurous and curious.


Suah: Letter to self


I honestly think that all the stuff I need is already with me. I have a family, an education, a future, and a heart. I feel that though I might not have everything I want, I feel like I don’t need anything more or less because all the things I need are already with me.


Ruby: letter to self


I think war should end because it just some silly idea and people get hurt.




Summer Camp 2011 - Daily Diary: Lafayette Day 7

Today we delved into our beliefs and explored identity through personification. We also finished up decorating the "Suitcase of Me" that the kids started Monday, and started creating a Dream Mural as a group (see pictures below!)


Andy, personifying a snail:

Suddenly the bird smiled and gobbled me up.


Ruby on her belief: 

I believe that animals have feelings because they like to do things and they cry when they don’t like things. I got this belief from watching my Grandma’s dogs.


Suah, personifying Lady Gaga:

I am totally gaga right now. I just had my concert and I needed to sing every song I created. I’m riding in my limo and going back home. Everyday I think of my face in the flashing lights and being the center of attention except that Justin Bieber is everyone’s favorite singer.


SJ, on his belief that there is life on other planets:

There could be plants, insects, animals, or even aliens! Or there could be a planet we don’t know that is exactly the same as Earth.

