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Where would you go with this? Creative writing prompt

Our challenge to you is to look at the photographs we post and see where they may take you, and your pen.

Let your imagination wander freely! And, please feel free to share comments you have, or stories, poems, musings that were spurred on by this week's photo.

Happy writing!




Why Not Write Wednesdays? Creative Writing Prompt

Some Wednesdays we challenge you to pick up your pen and indulge your budding author self with our writing activity. See where your imagination takes you, and feel free to share your ideas in the Comment section!

Here's one to try:

POV A really important factor in your story is the point of view. You can write from different points of view, including the first, second, and third person point of view. As you might already know, writing in the first person means you are writing as if you were talking about yourself, using the pronoun "I."

But have you ever tried writing from someone else's point of view? Why not step in another person's shoes and give it a go? Today try writing a story from the perspective of a king using the first person point of view. What is the king thinking? Feeling? Why does he do what he does?

Happy writing!



You Read It Here First! Creative Writing by Kids

Every week, in "You Read it Here First!" we feature writing from students in "Take My Word For It's!" creative writing classes.

When these young authors become well known writers, you can say you read them here first!

Have you heard of found poetry? It's fun, creative and easy to do at home! Flip through magazines and cut out words/images that you like. Collect as many words and images as you want. When you're ready, glue the cut outs on a piece of paper to create a poem. It's as simple as that. This week Jordan from Miraloma Elementary is showing us how it is done! Great job, Jordan!

Miraloma Jordan Found Poetry




Why Not Write Wednesdays? Creative Writing Prompt

Some Wednesdays we challenge you to pick up your pen and indulge your budding author self with our writing activity. See where your imagination takes you, and feel free to share your ideas in the Comment section!

Here's one to try:

Have you ever heard of Koko the talking gorilla? Psychologist Penny Patterson taught Koko over 1,000 signs in American sign language in order to communicate with her!


Write a short story where one of your animals can talk! What would it say? How would you react? Here's a start: "This morning I heard an unfamiliar voice ask me to feed it..."



Where would you go with this? Creative writing prompt

Our challenge to you is to look at the photographs we post and see where they may take you, and your pen.

Let your imagination wander freely! And, please feel free to share comments you have, or stories, poems, musings that were spurred on by this week's photo.

Happy writing!

