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kids cooking


Some of our Favorite Picks from Last Saturday's Peanut Butter and the Pen!

Check out some of the scrumptious work our talented young writers concocted at last Saturday's "Peanut Butter and the Pen" food writing lab!


Food similes and metaphors:

 From Eliza:

TMWFI Peanut Butter and the Pen_Tatye and Mila 2 "The cracking of the chips was like the sound of a thick twig being broken by feisty, impatient hands."

"The chocolate was bittersweet. It tasted optimistic and cocky at the same time."

"Hunger snaked up my body like a slippery game of tug-of-war."

From Tayte:

"The strawberry was as red as a bursting heart."

From Mila:

"The strawberry's blood red color burst into the world."


"Specialty-Me" Recipes - What are you made of?

Noah's Specialty-Me
From Noa:

  1. Add 8 oz. of school to 5 tsp. of math.
  2. Mix well.
  3. 3 oz. of fun as well as 9 tsp. of helpful.
  4. A sprinkle of writing with just a dash of chocolate should be mixed with 10 cups of family.
  5. Drop into one pot and let rise.
  6. After it rises, bake for about 10 mins. until golden brown.
  7. At the end, arrange some sister and soccer on top.
  8. (Very nice to serve some Feliza on the side).

Serve on special occasions.

TMWFI Peanut Butter and the Pen_Noa and Eliza

From Eliza:

  1. Mince smartness and caramelize great voice. Mix.
  2. Put in lavender, best fruzzie and reading.
  3. Put aside and take out athlete and horses and kindness and caramelize.
  4. Bake older sister, soccer, and green.
  5. Mix everything and stick happiness and ice cream in.
  6. Boil with lots of butter and frost in razzberry and chocolate icing.
  7. Put on compassion and slice it.


Couldn't make it Saturday? Feel free to contribute your own writing in our comments section!



Don't Forget, "Peanut Butter and the Pen" Tomorrow at 18 Reasons in San Francisco!

creative writing for kids Does your kid have an appetite for writing? Then come join us for the third installment of  "Peanut Butter and the Pen", a four-part creative writing series for 3rd-5th graders put on in collaboration between "Take My Word For It!" and 18 Reasons in San Francisco (

For our May workshop, "My Specialty Recipe", kid's will craft auto-biographies that use the recipe format ("whisk together one tablespoon of soccer and two tablespoons of tree climbing in a large bowl"). Together, we'll taste food, read excerpts from some of literature's greatest writing in praise of food, and talk about the art of recipe building. Each child will write an original piece to bring home and stick on the fridge. Drop off your kid with pencil and spiral notebook in hand at 10:00, and pick him or her up at 12:15, original piece in hand.

See you there!


*minimum age is 8 years old.




SAVE THE DATE! Check Out Our Upcoming Food Writing Workshop in San Francisco

May 7 at 18 Reasons (directions)

Does your kid have an appetite for writing? Then come join us for the third installment of  "Peanut Butter and the Pen", a four-part creative writing series for 3rd-5th graders put on in collaboration between "Take My Word For It!" and 18 Reasons.

TMWFI creative writing_peanut butter and the pen_ode to bread For our May workshop, "My Specialty Recipe", kid's will craft auto-biographies that use the recipe format ("whisk together one tablespoon of soccer and two tablespoons of tree climbing in a large bowl"). Together, we'll taste food, read excerpts from some of literature's greatest writing in praise of food, and talk about the art of recipe building. Each child will write an original piece to bring home and stick on the fridge. Drop off your kid with pencil and spiral notebook in hand at 10:00, and pick him or her up at 12:15, original piece in hand.

See you there!


*minimum age is 8 years old.

