Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self! What kinds of patterns do you see around you everyday? Take a journal and write down the designs on your street, at school, even on your clothes that interest and inspire you!
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writing for kids
Check out this short interview with Maurice Sendak from "To the Best of our Knowledge."
“In all my books, there is a critical moment in a child’s life that he has to figure out what to do without the aid of logic or experience.”
Every Wednesday we challenge you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self!
Today we are challenging you to do a free write...without picking up your pencil once!
Write about whatever you want, whatever is on your mind, just keep writing! Don't stop when you can't think of what to say next. If you find yourself stuck, you can even write "I don't know what else to write..." but don't stop! Set a timer and see if you can write for 5 minutes straight.
Is this activity challenging for you? Is it easy? Let us know in the comment section!