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After-School Programs

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More Words from Our Young Authors at Sonoma Mountain Elementary!

Check out what our talented kids at Sonoma Mountain Elementary have been up to this Fall!

Outdoor Listening Activity:

Wind that sounds like a waterfall.

Leaves rattling like a rattlesnake.

Flapping wings of a bird.

Swing, swinging in the wind, sounds like a bell ringing.

Wheels of a garbage can rolling.



I Am From

I am from my two crying sisters and loud barks of my blind dog barking at people outside.

I am from the great smell of my mom cooking giant meatballs for dinner.

I am from the feel of my ripped-up hands from gymnastics.

I am from making a cartwheel to making a back flip.

I am from hot pink socks and bright blue leotards.

I am from a bar that I swing on constantly.


Describe It (observation activity):

As smooth as a worm

Clattery as a metal

Too cold, just like the Arctic

As round as a wheel to a head

The great spiral stair as to the object.

(What is it? Metal film holder!)



Free Write

If I Could Go Anywhere in the Universe…

… I would go to a light pink oval-like circle. In the pink circle there are little fairies and when they dance they start to float in the air. Then when they are as high as they want they land on clouds that are made of marshmallows. When the fairies want to, they can nibble on the clouds.



Story from newspaper headline: Return of the Martians

In October 2012, a jumping man fell from the space line and broke the speed of sound. People thought he was a Martian. He was wearing a white suit with a black mask and a giant oxygen tank. He looked like a giant marshmallow falling from space. He spun, twirled, flipped, and went headfirst. People cried with fear. Was he really a jumping man or… a Martian?!?


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Words from Our Young Authors at McNear Elementary!

We'd like to entertain you with a few excerpts from our Fall session at McNear Elementary, including personal "I Am From" poems and stories inspired by photographs and newspaper headlines!

I Am From

I am from the sound of sirens going by.

I am from the smell of pancakes on the stove on a Sunday morning.

I am from the touch of my dog Moxie curled up against me, and my dog Brutus with his pushed-in snout.

I am from cream-colored walls greeting me in the morning.

I am from sushi—my favorite food on my birthday.

I am from trading all my Halloween candy after trick-or-treating.

I am from every Christmas when my family comes over.

I am from the Tahoe air greeting me when I ride in my car.

-Ella, grade 4


Story from a photograph: Young Elizabeth

Twelve-year-old Elizabeth Cole was a brave, bashful and delighted loyalist. When Elizabeth was nine there was war in England so she, her parents and her eleven-year-old sister Anabelle moved to safe Willamsburg, Virginia. She finds a new American friend named Felicity who goes to a mini class with tea and formal dancing with Elizabeth and Annabelle. Later the lord of England praised Elizabeth for her loyalty and bravery for war that she became princess of England. 72 years later she was married and became queen.

-Hana, grade 3


Describe objects you observe:

Pretty as a model. Lips as red as an apple. Eyes dark as night. Clothes: bowtie, flowers with stripes. – Babushka doll!

Shiny as silver. Rough as stone. Sort of smooth. Sharp as tree needles. – Film holder!

Wood and rough. Can be used for golf. – Meat tenderizer!

Navy blue, shiny and gold. Very fancy. Most of all very beautiful. – Ball mask!

-Haley, grade 3


Embellished sentences:

Harry strode into the pitch-black kitchen and turned on the lights. It was 1:04 a.m. and Harry was exhausted. His keen eyes trailed to the window. Harry spotted the yellow-tan moon. He looked at the fridge, debating whether or not he should get something. He decided to get some cheese. When he reached inside, a fat pig in diapers jumped on him!

-Wally, grade 4


I Am From

I am from the memory of my first baseball glove — I can remember orange and black — and the crack of a wood baseball bat.

I am from the touch of a wool blanket and leather chair in the office.

I am from baseball games every day, and the colors red and red-orange for the Giants and for the Reds.

I am from the smell of cookie dough and grilled sliders on the 4th of July.

I am from eating crab on Christmas Eve.

-Jackson, grade 4


Story from old photograph: Lucy

Once an old woman was sitting on the steps of the town square library. Her name was Lucy. Lucy had no husband or any kids. She spent all of her days at the library. However, one day she was not there. Everyone was so surprised. Lucy was at home creating a potion that would make her young again so she could get a handsome husband. However, when she drank it she turned into a cow. She was killed for her food and skin. The moral of the story is: Do not be greedy and want more than you already have or you will get something worse in return.

-Mia, grade 3


Story from a found object:

When I reached into my apron pocket I found my Babushka doll, Blossom. “What are you doing in here?” I wondered. By the look on her painted face I could tell she was sad. Her small green eyes were dropping and from a certain perspective she seemed to be frowning. “What’s wrong?” I asked her as I stepped outside from the patio. Her face seemed to be getting sadder and more desperate for happiness.

(To be continued…)

-Talula, grade 4




Words from our Young Authors at Park Day!

Here are a variety of excerpts from our fall writing session. It was called, "Take Flight!" and explored all different aspects of flight, including flights of fancy, Amelia Earhart's flight and the flight of the bumblebee. We also used free write prompts to jump into stories. In the "My Name Is.." poems, we personified our names. From a free write

The fan whirs and gushes of air woosh toward me. I’m sitting next to Starr, and on the other side of me, staring at the whiteboard, is my best bud, Redhead.

“Just stay quiet, I think it’s blind,” somebody says, reading the whiteboard.

“Is he talking about Jewel?” Starr asks. We burst into giggles and get a murderous look from Spock.



My Name Is…

My name is high and low,

My name is made from pureness,

I found my name in a restaurant’s kitchen,

My name can fly wherever it wants.

If I lost my name, I could 

never replace it,

My name is Cate.



Writing Prompt: I used to believe…

I used to believe in flying forever, away from here when times get rough below, and back when people find peace in themselves and others. I used to believe that I could just soar above, never coming to a stop and never interfering with the complex world on the ground. I used to believe that I would never land, that my wings would flap forever, that the wind would never stop. I would never get lower, never higher.

And now I realize that there is no going away, no running from death, from fear. You must face your troubles, you must come down to the ground to solve your problems. Then you can take flight again, to stay tethered to the chain that is your breathing. Because when that stops, the world will too.

-Ruby H

From a freewrite

I am walking in a dark tunnel, under a house, a house that has been sitting abandoned and dark for longer than anyone in this funny little town can remember. At night, the surrounding neighbors have seen a light drifting down the hall. Now, as I walk through the secret tunnel, I wonder what I will find or if I will survive to tell the story of how I came to be here.


My Name Is…

It is made of fiery green and California blue.My name is jumping for joy for no particular reason,

I found my name wrapped in deep folds of fog,

My name can be something it’s not.

If my name ran away, I’d put up posters everywhere, and be on every corner,

looking far and wide


From her “Flight of Fancy”

My name is Jen, well, Jennifer Hughson really. I’m named after my great aunt, Jennifer Bailey. But that’s on my mom’s side, well, my first mom that is. I have four parents: my first mom and dad and my second mom and mom. You see, my first set of parents got divorced when I was six and they both started dating other people, and my dad, he got married again to a woman named Stacey. My mom got remarried to a woman, which I think is great. In ways I have what I call a double-decker life!


From her “Flight of Fancy” 

My silk gown flutters in the wind as I escape down the narrow alley. My dark blue heels are getting splattered with mud and I stumble as my arm scrapes the brick wall beside me. I shake of the chalk that dusted my torn sleeve.

As I round the sharp turn, I skid in a puddle of mud, and in the process, one of my belted shoes goes flying. I have no time to retrieve it, so I unlatch my other Gucci high heel and I shiver as my feet slap the wet gravel below me.

I reach the next corner and as soon as I am sure that I am out of sight of all people, I start to climb. The metal wires of the tall chain link fence dig into the balls of my thumbs.


From her “Flight of Fancy”

The color raced across the Ivory Hill, creating color in its wake. It made sparkling rivers that gave life to flowers and the flowers’ seeds drifted lazily through the air in a living dream, creating beauty and life in whichever path they chose, and from that little seed came light, racing like a wild stallion through the darkness, an explosive amount of light, rippling through the fields and illuminating a dark corner where a pale moth sat, spreading its wings and soaking up the light. It flew for endless time until it reached the ground where it fluttered gently onto a baby’s serene sleeping face, and that baby grew up to be an artist and when his finger (dipped in the sparkling colors of the world) touched his canvas (a blank Ivory Hill), the color raced and the cycle began again.


Flying, a bumblebee's point of view...

Just a soft flutter at first, a soft rock, a twitch of the wing. Then it was more, a blast of strength, a burst of hope. Now it was time, up off the cracked ground and into the innocent air. I can fly, she thought, but instead I’m going to soar. The feeling of flying was the feeling of power. I am your ruler and you’re of air, she thought, you’re of silk, of nothing, because I am free.




New schools for 2013!

We're ringing in the New Year by adding three more after-shool programs to our roster. We'll now be leading writing adventures at Claire Lilienthal Alternative School and Children's Day School in San Francisco, and at Redwood Day School in Oakland.

Click here to see our complete list of after-school offerings and prices!



More Words from our 2nd and 3rd grade authors at Grattan!

The following excerpts of the kids' work came from some of this session's writing activities. Some were in response to prompts, and a few are  in response to learning about Amelia Earhart's flight. In the "My Name Is..." poems, students  personified their names. "My name is... " poem

My name is Niall.

My name is made from water,

I found my name in Egypt.

My name can flow around rocks,

If I lost my name Mother Nature would stress out!


Excerpt from "What I hate about being a kid"

What I hate about being a kid is that I can't sing when I want to. I can't cut with a really sharp knife. I can't tackle my brave cats who battle each other and both get really hurt...


Excerpt from "If I was a pet..."

If I was a pet bat I would wake up at night. I would be a brown bat. I would sleep in the morning. I would fly all night. I would sleep upside down. I would squeak. I would eat bugs. I could see in the dark to catch bugs...


Dear Amelia Earhart,

My name is Zoe and I am the author of this note. I'm writing to you because I want to ask you some questions about your journey: Were you the only one on the island? How did you survive? Were there harmful sea creatures surrounding the island? Were you scared? Do you miss your family?


Excerpt from "If I were a pet bird..."

If I were a pet bird I would not eat, and then I would shrink and then I could fit through the bars of my cage and make a paper bird so my owner would feed the paper bird and get tricked...


Dear Amelia Earhart,

What did you do when you were stuck on the island? I would kill fish and eat them. Were you putting on that freckle cream that they found when they went looking for you? I'm sorry that you died.




Excerpt from "If I were a pet bird..."

If I were a bird I would sing all day long. I would love my humans and sit on branches. I would have babies and keep them warm by sitting on them. I would eat and feed my babies, and before I died I'd make sure my babies were OK.


Excerpt from "If I were stuck on an island..."

If I was stuck on an island I would stay there for 100 years and no one would come to rescue me. If they did find me I would be happy, but I would have some animal friends so I would not leave them behind. I would take them with me, maybe a monkey, a panda, and even a bird. We would play animal games like animal hide-and-seek...




Word from our Young Authors at Park Day! (2nd and 3rd Grade)

These are some excerpts from our Fall session of writing with 2nd and 3rd graders. Our theme was "Take Flight" and we explored all different aspects of flight including Amelia Earhart's journey, flights of fancy and flight of the bumblebee. Enjoy!



(L to R) Raquel, Dolci, Jasper, Shayna



From her “Flight of Fancy”

A bird soars over trees in its path to meet blinding sunbeams, which stretch down to meet the beautiful colors and light up the world. It touches a hillside where a butterfly stretches its wings and flies to shine new light and color on other animals and fill the earth.


From her “Flight of Fancy” 

She soars above valleys and rivers, mountains and oceans, as graceful as a swan. When she lands, she lands on a twig.


A letter from Amelia Earhart – written during her final flight

 I am happy that I am doing this. I need to take a risk. I am very proud of myself. It is getting cold. I am kind of scared. To all girls: follow your dreams. Mine was to fly.


From a freewrite prompt: "Just stay quiet, I think it's blind."

“Just stay quiet, I think it’s blind,” said Janie.

“I think it’s an evil devil zombie monster,” said Bill.

 “What’s an evil devil zombie monster?” said Janie.

 “I don’t know...”


The flight of the bumblebee 

 It feels fun. It is fun to go to different places and to protect the queen from predators. It sounds like buzzzz! buzzzz! buzzzz! It feels like I have heavy feathers on my wings and it feels cold up in the sky and it tickles my wings. I hear birds chirping all around me and it’s fun to fly all the way to another place, to many places, and to travel to Asia and Africa and many other places around the world.


The Flight of Words

They are flying, around and into my ears, and they’re exit is my mouth. They twiddle around my body like music that you can’t dance to. And if there is a good one, well that’s just nice, because it stitches the wounds in my heart. And if there are no wounds, then lucky me! That makes my heart stronger inside me. But if there is a bad one, well that’s pretty scary, because it rips the seams that have just been mended. 

