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Bring "Take My Word For It!" to your city!

CH 2119Do you want to bring "Take My Word For It!" to your city? Know someone who may? We are looking to expand our program to more metropolitan areas - Spread the Word! With an emphasis on imagination and helping kids learn more about their author-selves, we work primarily with 3rd- 5th graders (we have a few programs for 6th-8th grades).


We are looking for Moms who:

* don’t need to make a living, but would be interested in part time paid work (currently 30 - 35 hours per/month),

* are savvy about the primary schools in her area and/or serves on a school committee or on the PTA,

* are interested in education,

* are go-getters -- organized and self-motivated,

* enjoy writing,

* and are curious to learn more!

Email our Director, Sondra Hall at if you are interested.


Calling All Campers! Summer 2014 Registration is Open


Calling All Campers! Summer 2014 Registration is Open


    TMWFI logoWe are delighted to offer three different camp  options this summer. Parents can team up to form their own camps using our on-demand camps format. Interested? Please fill out an"On-Demand" Camp Inquiry interest form here.


We are proud to be offering our unique brand of creative writing excursions to campers during 4 different weeks of the popular East Bay camp, Girls on the Go!

Camp 510 Logo  New this summer! Camp 510 has invited us to bring our creative writing to their summer party during the week of July 7th.

To register for Camp510's "Process is Everything" Week featuring Take My Word for It! (July 7-11, 2014), click here.



We're Officially Bi-Coastal!

For the past two years, "Take My Word for It!" has been teaching in one school in Northern Virginia called Oakton Elementary. Beginning this Fall, with the help of the intrepid Mary Pat Julian, we are expanding to 10 schools in the area and are bringing on a handful of talented MFA students and recent grads from George Mason University.

Virginia is for writers!



Creative + Financing = Bringing our Program to More Kids

Have $25 to invest in the next generation of authors? We will turn your funds into more of our writing programs designed to ignite kids' literary imaginations! It takes no time at all to donate:

Visit our GoFundMe to contribute:

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Take My Word For It! is....

a blog about creative writing for kids.


Teachers who work with kids and words.

Kids who love to swim around in their imaginations.

Teens who like the idea of becoming authors.

Students who take our classes and their parents who can't wait to read their young writer's latest work.

"Take My Word For It!" is a word incubator--we provide a safe andsupportive environment where young writers can explore their writer's voice.Our fabulously talented and enthusiastic team of instructors work with students throughout the San Francisco Bay area.

"Take My Word For It" was founded in 2005 as an after school creative writing program for kids, in elementary school through high school. Sondra Hall, who has been in love with the written word since she was 8 years old, is the organization's founder and director.
