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Meet Our Staff

Emily Phillips, Program Coordinator

Emily PhillipsEmily has worked with Bay Area youth of all ages in several different capacities, as a creative writing teacher for elementary school kids with "Take My Word For It!" and SF Arts Ed, as the Middle School After School Program Coordinator at Oakland School for the Arts, and as a high school tutor, mentor, and substitute teacher. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from California College of the Arts in 2008 and when she's not doing fifteen things at once coordinating our growing writing program, she writes as much as possible.

Kim Bielak, Social Media Marketing Intern

Kim Bielak, social media marketing internKim is a current Media Studies major at UC Berkeley. She found that her heart aligned with "Take My Word For It!" 's mission to give kids the opportunity to express themselves creatively and is thrilled to be able to employ her studies in digital media to interact with our online community. She finds her own creative outlet in dance and art and is excited to further her studies abroad this spring in Spain.

Nancy Schneider, Social Media Marketing Intern:

Nancy SchneiderThrough a meandering personal history, Nancy Schneider finds herself with a deep and enduring commitment to childhood literacy, a major in Geography from Middlebury College, several languages, a handful of pending law school applications, and an internship in Social Media and marketing with “Take My Word For It!” She believes in following her instinct, especially when it means trying something new. Nancy hopes to explore how social media and the Internet can work positively to form a community around young creative writers. She looks forward to engaging with and connecting parents, teachers, and students.


TMWFI Partners with NaNoWriMo to bring Novel Writing Curriculum to Fall Classes!

NaNoWriMo This fall we’re partnering again with the nationally renowned program NaNoWriMo to present their novel writing curriculum!  NaNoWriMo’s fun, seat-of-your-pants creative writing challenge invites kids to take on the process of writing a novel. They determine their own word-count goal and along the way learn about character development, plot, setting, dialogue and the like. The ultimate goal - completing and editing their own original tale and also accomplishing a major feat they can crow about!

Last year our kids constructed some of the most creative and outstanding work we’ve seen, and we couldn’t be more excited bring back the NaNoWriMo curriculum.

Register for fall after school classes here...




Peanut Butter & The Pen Coming Wednesdays to 18 Reasons!

TMWFI Peanut Butter and the Pen_Tatye and Mila 2 Does your kid have an appetite for writing? Then come join us for “Peanut Butter and the Pen” – a creative food writing series for 3-5th graders brought to you by “Take My Word For It!” and 18 Reasons!

Learning to use plates of metaphors and bowls of similes, we’ll taste food, read excerpts from some of literature’s greatest writing in praise of food, and talk about the part food plays in our lives!

Learning to use plates of metaphors and bowls of similes, we’ll taste food, read excerpts from some of literature’s greatest writing in praise of food, and talk about the part food plays in our lives!

Register and find more info here…

18 Reasons: 593 Guerrero Street, San Francisco (

*minimum age is 8 years old.



Fall Classes are Just Around the Corner!

For fall promo Learning doesn’t have to stop at the bell! This fall, join us after school for “Take My Word For It!” creative writing classes. We’re adding more than 10 new schools to our roster this year!

In several after-school programs, we’ll be partnering with the nationally renowned program, NaNoWriMo to present their novel writing curriculum. We’ll be rolling out lots of new, creativity-sparking writing activities in all of our classes. Come join us!

Fall classes this year will be offered at the following locations. To find the start and end dates of a specific class, click "Register for 2011 After-School Classes here" on the left hand side of the page.

East & South Bay:

  • Thornhill Elementary (grades 2-3): Tuesdays 3:10 - 4:10
  • Thornhill Elementary (grades 4-5): Mondays 3:10 - 4:10
  • Havens Elementary (grades 3-5): Mondays 1:55 - 3:00
  • Joaquin Miller Elementary (grades 3-5): Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30
  • Chabot Elementary (grades 2-3): Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00
  • Chabot Elementary (grades 4-5): Wednesdays 2:00 - 3:00
  • Park Day School (grades 4-6): Wednesdays 2:15 - 3:15
  • Redwood Heights Elementary (grades 3-5): Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:15
  • Walt Disney Elementary - San Ramon (grades 2-3): Wednesdays 2:05 - 3:05
  • Walt Disney Elementary - San Ramon (grades 4-5): Thursdays 3:15 - 4:15
  • Crocker Highlands Elementary (grades 3-5): Thursdays 3:05 - 4:05
  • Piedmont Parks and Rec (grades 2-3): Tuesdays 4:15 - 5:15
  • The Young Writers Lab at Musically Minded Academy (grades 4-8): Thursdays 3:15 - 4:45
  • Black Pine Circle School (grades 6-8): Mondays 3:15 - 4:15
  • Homeschoolers Group at "Kids 'N Dance" (ages 7-10): Mondays 1:00 - 2:00
  • Drop-In Homeschool Class at "Kids 'N Dance" (ages 7-10): Thursday 1:00 - 2:00

San Francisco:

  • Commodore Sloat (grades 3-5): Wednesdays 2:50 - 3:50
  • Commodore Sloat Poetry Residency (grades 3-5): Wednesdays 11:10 - 2:20
  • Katherine Delmar Burke School (grades 3-5): Mondays 3:30 - 4:30
  • Grattan Elementary (grades 2- 5): Thursdays 2:15 - 3:15
  • Sunset Elementary (grades 3-5): Tuesdays 2:40 - 3:50
  • West Portal Lutheran (grades 4-6): Mondays 3:30 - 4:30
  • El Carmelo Elementary - Palo Alto (grades 4-5): Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00

See you there!



Kids Blogging

We recently found some great info on blogging for kids from, and agree that blogging is a great way to keep your kids writing!


Blogs-kids Blogging teaches kids persistance, gives them an outlet to talk about what's on their mind, and lets them get creative! (Not to mention constant writing can significantly increase spelling and grammar skills). We love posting our student's work on our blog because seeing their work published gives them so much more motivation to put forth their best work!

Homeschool Carnival is a great place to post your child's work and see what other kids are blogging about. Some kids will talk about a vacation, write a movie review, or even talk about math! We encourage you to check it out!

Of course, as with anything on the Internet, blogging requires you to follow certain Internet safety rules so be smart about what information you make public and what controls you have over the sites your child visits. That being said, blogging is also a great opportunity for children to learn to safely and smartly navigate their way around the web!

We love having you visit and comment on our blog, and we hope to see you join us in the blogosphere!
