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Winter 2012 registration now open

For fall promo Learning doesn't have to stop at the bell! This fall, join us after school for "Take My Word For It!" creative writing classes. We'll be rolling out lots of new, creativity-sparking writing activities! Winter classes this year will be offered at the following locations:

East Bay:

  • Thornhill Elementary (grade 2-3)
  • Thornhill Elementary (grades 3-5)
  • Havens Elementary (grades 3-5)
  • Joaquin Miller Elementary (grades 3-5)
  • Chabot Elementary (grades 2-3)
  • Park Day School (grades 4-6)
  • Redwood Heights Elementary (grades 3-5)
  • Walt Disney Elementary - San Ramon (grades 4-5)
  • Crocker Highlands Elementary (grades 3-5)
  • Montclair Elementary (3 - 5)
  • To find out the start and end dates of a specific class, click the Register button.

    San Francisco:

    • Commodore Sloat
    • Commodore Sloat Poetry Residency
    • Katherine Delmar Burke School
    • Grattan Elementary (grades 2- 5)
    • Sunset Elementary (grades 3-5)
    • West Portal Lutheran (grades 4-6)
    • Rooftop Elementary
    • 18 Reasons
    To find out the start and end dates of a specific class, click the Register button.
    Our after-school classes are typically priced per session and range from $15 - $17 per class hour. (So, a 10 week session is between $150 and $170.) For prices on our community based classes, please contact us at



    Join our December Notebook Donation Drive!

    notebook donationIn the spirit of giving, for every new "Like" we receive in the month of December we will donate a notebook and pencil to *The Museum of Children's Art's (MOCHA) Library Education and Art Program (LEAP). LEAP provides arts-based after school programming at four Oakland Public Library branches.

    Find our Facebook Page at, and please share the link with your friends, too!

    Here's to a creative holiday for all of our kids!



    Mocha logo* The Museum of Children's Art's (MOCHA) Library Education and Art Program (LEAP) provides arts-based after school programming at four Oakland Public Library branches. Weekly workshops employ a range of art and literacy activities that will build children's academic, social and communication skills; increase their sense of accomplishment and community engagement; develop cultural awareness; and expose them to career and mentorship opportunities.

    MOCHA’s Afterschool Art at the Library Program is funded by the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth and the Institute for Museum and Library Services.




    Thursday's Word of the Day

    Every week we bring you a new interesting word and challenge you to make good use of it! Today's word of the day is...


    the state of being grateful, thankfulness, appreciation

    List ten people, places, or things that make you grateful. Weave them into a short story that expresses your gratitude! Feel free to share your story with us in the Comments section below!




    Writing is a contact sport...

    "Writing is like a contact sport, like football. Why do kids play football? They can get hurt on any play, can’t they? Yet they can’t wait until Saturday comes around so they can play on the high-school team, or the college team, and get smashed around. Writing is like that. You can get hurt, but you enjoy it."

    - Irwin Shaw



    Poet Zack Rogow visits our Poetry Residency at Sloat Elementary!

    Poet Zach Rogow and studentsOur students at Sloat recently had the privilege of having poet Zack Rogow pay them a visit. The students were asked to prepare some questions ahead of time. They came up with some great ones including:

    How does it feel to have a published book?
    Do you ever get tired of writing?
    How do you make your poems so good?
    How do you think up all of your poems?

    See some of our students' Odes featured in the school hallway:

    students odes in school hallway students odes in school hallway

    For more information on Zach, check out his interview with our very own instructor Marissa here!


    In-Class Field Trips - "Take My Word For It!" School Day programs

    "In-Class Field Trips" are visits to the classroom to facilitate creative writing activities designed to accompany a particular unit of study.

    Our goal is to work with classroom teachers to deepen students' understanding of, for example, the variety of people who immigrated to California or the Native Americans who lived here, by designing a series of writing activities to engage their imaginations. Our aim is to tailor our activities to suit their particular group of students.

    For pricing and more info please contact us at