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You Read it Here First! - read "Take My Word For It!" students' work


Clementine Reflects on Getting Older

Growing Up

It seems only yesterday I used to believe That I was a princess in a castle. Now is the beginning of adulthood. I used to play dress up With my sister, But now she doesn't want to anymore. It's a sign she's grown up, Which means I have, Too

-Clementine, Sloat Elementary



The Power of Tris' Glasses


Dear Glasses, You're as purple as a ripe eggplant, Slim as a branch. When I put you on, everything becomes Clear, as if I've entered a new world. Your bed is red as a ripe dragon fruit, Dotted in the design of a cheetah. You're the one who lets me able to look into People's souls, watching their every move.

Your owner,

Tris (Sloat Elementary)



Julia's Poem About the Redwood Forest

The Redwood Forest

The moist, cool air greets me, the air of A redwood forest. The reddish, tall trees standing proud, The trees of a redwood forest. The small, leafy plants invite me, Invite me into the redwood forest. It seems as though nothing here has changed Since the time of the dinosaurs. The forest wraps me like a blanket, hides Me like a secret trap door. It is big yet small, vast yet thin, and has Some sort of beauty no matter what. Of all the things in the world, nothing can Compare to the redwood forest, it's always Standing there.

-Julia, Sloat Elementary



Cindy's Backyard Revealed

My Backyard

My backyard is made of a forest, untamed. In the corner hides a cove, covered by a tree, And branches, leaves flapping in the wind. Majestic, stand tall a gnarled, ancient plum tree, Close to stopping, bearing its juicy bounty. I like how it is, greasy with wildflowers scattered, The occasional stray cat, hummingbird, squirrel. Under the earthly soil crawls unseen bugs, spiders. From my perch by the window, the forest seems, Magical, for its plainness, and the broken fence, That lets anothers gardens plants and vines, Creep in, Spoiling on the sandy soil.

-Cindy, Sloat Elementary



Elisa Expresses the Magic of Rain

Rain Drop Plip, Plop

Drip, Drop... Does rain have a reason for its sound? Grim, joyful Creating stillness in the air, Only the "drip, drop" can be heard. The air becomes cool, crisp, and fresh. The gorgeous sound is soothing to one's ears. It falls from the sky, Clear, magnificent. To draw a raindrop may be impossible, For raindrops alone know the secret To their ultimate beauty. Splish, splash A small pond of raindrops, Packed together. Nature waits... Until those raindrops are ready, To take their next journey Down to Earth's ground.

-Elisa, Sloat Elementary



Alison's Metaphors For Losing a Friend

Losing a Friend

When you lose a friend, it's like dropping that five scoop ice cream cone your parents bought you for your A+ book report. It's like breaking the wing off your new model airplane you bought with the money you made moving Ms. Smith's yard. It's like your sister ripping and painting your favorite shirts. It's like reaching for the last piece of pie when your sister gets it first and eats it in front of your face. It hurts to lose a friend because it's a person fading out of your life.

-Alison, Sloat Elementary
