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You Read it Here First! - read "Take My Word For It!" students' work


What's up with jam?


Some advice: it's on to us. Many think it's delicious but no; I say no. It's here to poison us, it's here to ruin peanut butter! It's taking away what was once a good sandwich. Let peanut butter stand alone!

Don't trust jam.

-Connor, Chabot Elementary



Young Poets Society - featuring poets from Sloat Elementary

Inspired by Mary Oliver's nature poetry. Dear Trees,

How tall and overwhelming you are, with long branches where I can see yonder, even if I scare you out of your roots I still embrace the beauty of your pridely leaves, oh how they feel so nice, but even if I'm aftermath, I will always be by your side Remember, Cinders

-Nelson, Sloat Elementary
