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You Read it Here First! - read "Take My Word For It!" students' work


Words from Our Young Authors at Thornhill Elementary

Thornhill4_5HappyEver heard of a word portrait? Did you know that portraits aren't just painted with paintbrushes or taken with a camera? In this session, the 4th & 5th grade students at Thornhill Elementary have been writing portraits of their lives, the lives of others, the places they love and more. From My Name Is Exercise: (Using this prompt please use personification to write about your name.)

My Name Is... My name is made from the sweet smell of eucalyptus in the morning, the deep, low rumble and roar of the tiger, the squeaks, purrs, and kindness of how my pets greet me when I come home. The gentle breeze when I sit outside reading, writing, stoking my pets, and listening to the birds chirp in the afternoon. My name is made from the joyfulness of going to Peru and hiking, biking, learning, going to new places and going rafting in a tough river. I found my name can fly to the depths of the sky and run as fast as a cheetah.

- Michela

My Name Is...

My name is made from the flowers that bloom in the spring and the snowflakes that fall in the winter. I found my name in a redwood tree high above the ground. My name can fly high above the ground, and never come down. If I lost my name I would look in the trees and in the sky and find it right where I left it.

- Gwen

My Name Is... My name is made from little baby pandas screeching at the zoo. It is from my pen scribbling across my page. I found my name in a deep dark hole in the ground. My name dashes through the colors of life. If I lost my name I would cry until I found my mischievous name.

- Sophie

From Portrait of a Place Exercise:

One day I was in Japan. I was walking on the street and I saw agate that led to a garden. There were cats and dogs cuddling, pretty red, orange, green, and pink plants and trees all over the soft grass. Birds singing. Benches for people to sit on. I smelled the pine trees. The flowers smelled better than ever too. I thought I tasted fruits and veggies. There was a door. It led to a lake as blue as the sky. Beavers building dams and owls sleeping. It was amazing. No not amazing. Outstanding.

- Robert

From My Emotion Is Exercise: (Using this prompt please use personification to write about your emotion.)


My Emotion Is ...

My happiness is courageous and strong.

My happiness comes from the sleek, black piano downstairs.

I found my happiness in the ripe, juicy blackberries that grow outside in the summer.

My happiness can soar high in the sky with the birds and the clouds.

If I ever lost my happiness, I would search high and low and probably find it right where I left it.

- Emma

From the Paint a Word Portrait Exercise: (Describe a person using as many metaphors and similes as you can.)

Untitled Black and White the Horse: She is a white as a new blanket of snow with black spots as black as the sky when it is dark at night. As gentle as a flower, as pretty as a rose, as caring as a mother, she is as playful as a baby.



She has freckles that sprinkle across her nose and under her eyes like chocolate sprinkles on a vanilla cupcake. She has eyes that are brown like my Papa’s skin. She has wavy blonde hair that looks like the wood of Ms. Young’s desk. She has a line of pearly whites that she flashes when she is happy.

- Lauren

His eyes were as gray as a cloudy day, his face tomato-red with laughter. His thin hair standing up. The highlights of blond from the long summer heat.



Her fur is as black as the darkest night. Her eyes are as round as moons and as yellow as sunflower petals. Her nose is as rich and luxurious as chocolate. Her tongue is as pink as candy and as rough as sandpaper. Here ears are as soft as a warm fuzzy jacket. Her body is as warm as a fireplace.


Thornhill4_5WritingLetter to your Future self: write a letter to your future self – the person you imagine you’ll be at 21.

Dear Maxwell 21 person,

Am I famous! How are my savings, a gazillion yet? Is my chump Mitch still alive or is he losing it wandering the halls? By the way did I get that computer for Hanakuh? No leaving the house at night! Do I have 12 kids? Is there a war? Who is president? Are there zombies in the street? Is Mitch richer than me? Please tell me you live in a house. Where do you live? Take this into consideration.

Peace Out!

Ten year old Maxwell

Dear Sidney from the future,

...Are you tall? I was just wondering because I am always in the top row for everything.

What college did you go to? What kind of job do you have? Where do you live?

Being a kid I pretty awesome! You fly on wings made out of Elmer’s glue and popsicle sticks all the way through elementary and middle school.

From Sidney, age 11

From the free write prompt: I Reached inside my pocket...


One day I was walking to my house and I saw this tiny piece of a puzzle. It was black with white spots so I put the random piece in my pocket. As I was placing the puzzle in my pocket a fat grump troll came up to my foot and said, “Hey big footed person why are you messing up my puzzle? I was looking for that piece.” - Kalaya

A Day in the Life Of... Exercise: (Describe a day in the life of an object or animal.)

Mr. Egg Mr. Egg trotted out of his nest; he was tired of being sat on. “I want to make a difference in the world!” he said one early Sunday morning. Suddenly he was picked up by a giant hand, “Ahh!” Of course no one could hear him. The hand was moving and then he was in a bucket of water with all of his cousins and brothers and sisters.  They were trying to drown him! “Outrageous!” he mumbled to himself still holding his breath.

-- Maddy

Painting a Portrait through Voice Exercise: (Try writing a paragraph using an emotion to to practice voice.) Nervous

My hands were shaking so hard I couldn’t eat the cupcake they gave me. There were butterflies in my stomach and my knees were knocking. When the president called my name I thought I was going to die. I took a deep breath and walked in the office.



My palms were so sweaty they kept on slipping on the piano and my knees were knocking. The curtains started to open and I tried to prepare myself. The curtains suddenly opened and the spotlight fell on me. I started to play, at first slowly but getting faster. My nervousness disappeared, replaced by excitement and (I now regret it) even a little arrogance. O played faster and faster when suddenly I hit a wrong chord! Horrified I turned bright red and faltered for a second before continuing.



My whole heart was pounding and bouncing up and down in my body. I was 100% shivering. Butterflies were having a disco party in my stomach and they were bouncing to the bottom of my feet. Everyone was just staring at me to start. My stomach was now tied in knot. Big knots. HUGE knots. ANGRY knots! I couldn’t even take a breath.


If You Want to Find... Exercise: (Using a unifying color, the kids create a scene using descriptive words to “paint” it.)

Green If you want to find green go look in a baseball stadium, look at the ground, you will see turf. Look at the A’s players pitching, bating and running.  Look at the fans cheering and wearing A’s uniforms. Look at the shiny green shoes of the players. Take your green ice cream that you bought from the person that goes around the stadium selling stuff. Buy a hamburger, look at the lettuce inside it. When the game is done get in your shiny light green car, put you’re A’s hat on and drive home, if you want to find green.

- Adrian

Black If you want to find black look in the place with the black shadows glazed on the sidewalk. You pet the black kitten that patiently waits at your feet. I saw the black hair curled down her back. Look at the oil coming out of your car if you want to find black.

- Jamie

Green If you want to find green go out in your yard and play in the long blades of grass. Go out to the park and fins the moss at the base of a tree. Then get a look at the dirty pond with a frog jumping from one lily pad to the next. After lunch go out to the ice cream shop and buy some mint ice cream. Later after a long day go home and have dinner which will be vegetables and soup.



If you want to find blue look up and see the bright sky shining down on you, Or you could jump into the waves and snorkel down and find a blue fish. You could surface and see all the blue beach umbrellas scattered along the sand. You can see a beach ball bouncing in between dozens of children trying to get their hands on it.




Words from Our Young Authors at Joaquin Miller Elementary

This session’s curriculum at Joaquin Miller Elementary is “Take My Portrait.” Students have composed word portraits using metaphors and similes, written letters to their imagined future selves at age 21, used color to create dynamic landscapes, and explored different emotions in writing to see how they color the tone/voice of a piece. From: Portrait of a life that’s not my own…

Dylan and DJ

Dylan the Dragon One day, Dylan the Dragon woke up and ate a person for breakfast. Then he walked to the Sun Temple and terrorized people. He set the temple on fire and felt proud.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…


I was walking on amber-colored sand and stopped to make sandcastles. I put cili crab in my castle. Then cobalt water brushed against my castle, but it stayed standing. I put shells of mercury, emerald and navy blue on it.


From: Writing Prompt: When do you feel invisible?



I am invisible when I go to the lunch counter and I ask for water and they give me juice. When I say “hi” to the principal, he says, “Are you a student here?” I say, “Yes” but it is too late. He is walking away.



From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…


Once a cow was eating grass. The grass was on a wide field and it was green like celery. The cow was white and black. The white was like milk and the black was like coal.

Seiji and Miko


From: Portrait of a life that’s not my own…

Super Snail!

Once there was a snail named Super Snail! He was slowly moving to the White House in Washington D.C. to help Obama reopen the government and save the North America! Super Snail quietly moved through the grass, unnoticed, spreading straw-colored mucus over logs.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…


Me and My Colors

I’m a robber and I’m in jail. I’m stuck and there is no way out. It’s like I’m in a coal chamber. It’s escape-proof and it’s made out of nickel-colored metal–different from my base, which is made of coal-colored rock. One day an ally comes in a asphalt-colored suit and runs fast like a crow-colored blur.


From: Portrait of a life that’s not my own & Using color to bring a landscape to life

Alien Kitty

Dani and Marcella

Hi, I’m Alien Kitty. Right now I’m on the Battleship Moon but Wisdom Kitty is still on the neon-amethyst planet Zurg. Planet Surg is where Wisdom Kitty and I live. We love it there. Out house is to die for. Our… I mean my favorite room is the dance party room! Clearly, we have parties in it. It has an awesome mirrored disco ball that spins slowly, shining bright aqua colors on the walls and floor.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…

Donut Shop

The donut shop was the best in town. There was one specific donut though, one with mahogany –colored dough, caramel coating and rainbow sprinkles that glittered like gems beneath the light. The donut made the others look like shadowy clouds floating in a crystal sky.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…


My Day

The sky was as hot as an iron and the leaves of the trees just looked like they were going to burn up, but I didn’t really care about the trees, I cared about me! I wore a jet-black sweater, asphalt-colored pants and midnight shoes. But all my friends were wearing cloud-white shirts or neon-yellow pants or something like that, and since black absorbs the most heat, I felt like I was dying.


From: What would it be like to be invisible?


I would be invisible so I could scare people. I could tickle them and make them laugh. I want to disappear when I am playing Hide and Seek with my friends Emma, Naomi and Lauren.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…

Down in a Hole

I live in a tar black hole. Everything is so boring, but when I step outside of my hole there is a field of bubblegum pink unicorns and violet-purple grass. The sky above my hole is ash gray but above the unicorn field the sky is electric blue. The clouds are cotton candy pink and they look so fluffy and soft. I love going there and sitting in the daffodil patch.


M, S, M

From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…

Yuba River

…Slick and slimy, I managed to climb atop the wood. I teetered for a second and then slipped into the water. Vision blurred, all I could see was a stonewashed blue. I grasped the dark hazel-colored splotch I assumed was the wood and heaved myself out of the water. I paddled to the shore and collapsed on top of the cobalt towel. I snatched the glistening water bottle, and took a swig of the ice- cold water. I grabbed the sunblock and smeared alabaster gel on my body.


From: Using color to bring a person, thing or landscape to life…

Mr. Blob

Mr. Blob has emerald green tentacles and a royal blue shell. He strolls along the dusty brown sea floor and plays with his rainbow friends. He plays with a sunburn red soccer ball. He also goes fishing and catches bright sunset-red salmon. His archenemy is Mrs. Love Shirt. All of her amethyst tentacles are worn out.



Words from Our Young Authors at Grattan (grades 4-5)

(TMFWI) Grattan 4&5 F2013This term at Grattan, we focused on food writing through our curriculum “Peanut Butter & the Pen”. With the use of literary devices such as simile and metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia and alliteration, students learn to avoid lazy adjectives and instead to write imaginatively: writing poems, short stories, and Odes for the foods that give them comfort, and those they cringe at...even taking a crack at writing recipes about themselves—an edible biography.

From: Odes to Food


Ode to Lasagna - Uma


From: Odes to Food

Ode to a Watermelon

Thank you watermelon. Your munchiness is irresistible. But your black seeds are a twisty hurricane in my watery mouth. Thank you watermelon for your coolness. Whenever I bite into you, all my problems are over. Thank you watermelon for being so polished. When I run myself through you, I fall asleep like a pillow.


From: Odes to Food


Ode to Soup


From: Odes to Food

Ode to Food

Food, Food you are so lovely Food, Food you make me happy Food, Food it doesn’t matter if you’re deadly Food, Food Now it’s time to e-e-eat you.

Citrus Lump, Side of Cheese, Pass the honey if you please, Fiery Bulbax is a treat, Titan Dweevil has great taste, Plasma Wraith makes great sauce, Toxic Fungus bakes a lot.


From: Odes to Food

Ode to Dark Chocolate

Come from eggs that grew on a tree. Oh how bitter but delicious you are. I want to fill my mouth with you. Oh how I wish I could eat nothing but. The streets are filled with you. Dark chocolate you are my world.




Words from Our Young Authors in Fremont

Earlier this week, we did a workshop in Fremont with "TGIF" - The Gifted in Fremont.  

The Gifted in Fremont


Our theme was "Take Flight" and the pieces below were written after the students were asked to personify things that fly. We also used "My Name Is..." as an opening writing prompt.

Writing about things that fly - this is a piece about Co2!

Meenakshi - Writing about things that fly - this is a piece about Co2!

Whoosh! It blew out. Far it traveled many miles, a long distance, only to go back into a leaf, be changed, and come out. Then into a human's nose it dances, swirling into its respiratory (system), to be changed into its true self again. This is down, and as the first speck of light appears, it prepares to dance its long journey again.

- Meenakshi





Writing about things that fly - UFO Spaceship:

Aliyah Things that fly UFO spaceship

I'm flying through the night time sky of planet earth. I'm trying to land somewhere they won't see me. I'm going to sneek inside the Arce's House and hope that they don't see me. I would stay in the back yard but the fence say "beware of dog" and I don't want to be eaten. Tomorrow I think I'm leaving. Or not ah -----------

- Aliyah

Writing about things that fly - Dust:

Kaede Things that fly dust

Secretly traveling in the wind Landing on anything they can find But when they do find a home, the breeze picks the nomads up and they soar away

- Kaede

Writing about things that fly - Dandelion Seeds:

Angela Things that Fly dandelion seeds

Puffs of smoke out of a chimney drifting toward heaven, recieving cries of delight, forming more lives, pushed toward the south, onto a towaring feild of crops.

- Angela

From the prompt "My Name Is...":

Ian My Name Is

My name is small, not like me because I am tall My name is made from ant forming words I found my name in an ant's mouth yaking all around My name can yell at everyone he sees If I lost my name I would turn the word upside down to find it.

- Ian

From the prompt "My Name Is...":

Meenakshi My Name Is

My name is a wish, wished on the day of my birth It is made from the sweet, gentle sound of bubbles in a brook I found my name in a song and the ancient city of Madhurai My name can make the darkest moment seem happy If I lost my name, the city of Madhurai would be in ruins

- Meenakshi



Words from Our Young Authors at Crocker Highlands

Crocker Highlands readingLindsey's young writers shared their stories of things lost and found (part of our Found Treasures curriculum) for parents and friends at Crocker Highlands Elementary School in Oakland.  

From Treasure maps: Setting and Concrete Details

Treasure Map 1. Over the red mountains 2. In the redwood forrest 3. Through the magic jail 4. Under the yummy table 5. Go to the yellow hills!


From Found Poetry: creating poems from the New York Times

To Make it Work To Make it Work you need to think of new experiences


CH 2127

From Found Poetry: creating poems from the New York Times

Food A snack that smiles back creamy mashed potatoes and three-ingrediant gravy quick-roasting turkey with thyme butter and pear cornmeal cake with rosemary syrup.


From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing

My New Dragon I just got a little dragon. It is green with red under her wings. I hand-made a fluffy sweater which is blue; it fits my dragon. I love my socks because they can slip and slide like a newborn deer.


CH 2128

From Museum of Found Objects

City Chicken And he got so mad that he barged into Pig’s house and took him to Jail. He put him behind some very strong bars made out of curly fries. But after a couple of years when Pig was old, he ate his way out.


From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing.

French Polar Bear Girl Polar Bear sat on her porch chewing Hawaiian Punch Gum with curly letters. Polar Bear was a person. A real girl. She was French. She started drinking her mom’s pink Pie Lemonade.


CH 2125

From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing

Surprise! Once upon a time there was a girl who has a special something. No, you don’t get to see it until the end of the story!


From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing.

All Hail the Dragon One day I was walking down a street and I saw a map, it looked like this: I followed the map and when I got to the haunted house I heard a strange sound.


CH 2123

From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing

My list 1.   A new bed 2.   Homemade soda 3.   My mama 4.   Band-Aids in my desk 5.   Why I even wanted to cut my hair


CH 2119

From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing

Missing! Sir, I need your help. Three things have gone missing along with a broken window. I had a diamond. Large. About the size of a half dollar. It was red and smooth. Cut like a diamond you think would be cut.


From Scavenger Hunt: descriptive story-writing

Piper One day in Chicago Piper was walking down the street. She could not help noticing that something did not belong. She did not know what. She kept on walking until she got home but she could not stop thinking about the thing that did not belong.




Words from Our Young Authors at Chabot Elementary

This fall, Chabot Elementary 3rd, 4th & 5th graders explored our "Take My Portrait" curriculum. tmwfichabot1

The prompt used is called "Paint a Word Portrait". We had some discussions & practice-runs with "metaphor" and "simile," and then the kids were asked to use these techniques to describe the physical features of someone in their lives they care about - read some excerpts below!

"Fran and Leto had small, black eyes like basalt drenched in water..." -Rocco


"Her eyes were clear like two circles of jicama..." -Lumumba


"Her eyes were like two curled up rolly-pollies" -Zora


"Zelda had eyes like the ocean after a storm." -Eliana
