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You Read it Here First! - read "Take My Word For It!" students' work


Read It Here First! Taking flight with our John Muir Young Writers

For the past few months at John Muir Elementary in Berkeley, our third and fourth grader writers have focused on flight. They’ve learned about Amelia Earhart, bees, Daedalus and Icarus, and more. Explorations have included making movies in their minds of what it would be like to fly and imagining themselves up high in the blue sky, buzzing around as bees, airplanes and more.

Enjoy a sample of their work - get ready for take off! (Pictures are enlarged so you can read the work in the writer's own hand.)

Crash Landing!
Paloma imagined she was Amelia Earhart and wrote a letter to her sister as her plane crashed to earth.

The Phoenix

Aeris wrote a poem describing the flight of the phoenix featured in the Harry Potter series.

Where’d Everybody Go?

Nohelia wrote a story about a bee who woke up one morning to find that his friends had left him behind.


Simon imagined he was Amelia Earhart and wrote a letter of appreciation to his plane.

How Do They Do it?

During a free write period (when writers may choose to write about anything s/he wishes), Sophie wrote about the power the color pink has over some people.

Choose Your Own Adventure

T.J. wrote about a bee who wakes up to find all the other bees are gone!


After learning about bumblebees, Bodi explored the world outside the hive.

The Wonders of Childhood

Gavi wrote about why she loves childhood so, so much.

I love being a kid. Maybe its that bouncey feeling where you feel like jumping of the walls. Or maybe it's hearing your parents complaining about stuff you don't have to worry about. But I think its the wild, out of control way of living. Just runing and breathing in the fresh air.

No limits. No one to draw the line. No rules. But most of all no rages.



Read It Here First! Peek into words at King Harrington School

Although snow delayed the spring session at King Harrington School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, our young writers are off to a great start! They've begun to show their love of writing through 6 word messaging, poetry & Valentines!



Read it Here First - Found Poetry

TMWFI! Students at Dimond Park Library have been working with Sondra Hall to create Found Poetry. We hope you enjoy the imaginative poems they created from their found words as much as we do.



Read It Here First! 3rd Grade Poets at Commodore Sloat

Late in December we held our annual Poetry Reading at Commodore Sloat Elementary School in San Francisco. The audience of second graders was polite and quiet while the third grade poets shared their pieces.

Below is a selection of poems written during our Poetry Residency at Commodore Sloat. The students imagined what lives inside their hearts; personified peace; composed letters to animals, and even wrote about shoelaces! All in all, the works are a mixture of wild imagination, silliness and profound honesty - a true representation of childhood.

Sloan, Audrey, Julian, Mackenzie, Maya, Nathan and William reading their poems:


Mill Creek Elementary's Secret Writing Society!


Mill Creek Elementary's Secret Writing Society!

This fall, young writers in 3rd and 4th grade at Mill Creek Elementary in Geneva, Illinois became part of a secret writing society and entered the world of all things untold! We had a wonderful time exploring and writing about all kinds of secrets - secret codes, secret identities, secret recipes and more. Here are some of their writing projects - click on each picture to see the work in his/her own writing!

During "Secret Recipes", students came up with their own recipe of themselves by thinking of themselves as an ingredient list. They shared what makes them special in terms of ingredients like personality, talents, likes, etc.!

Recipe of Me by Olivia

We talked about characters that have secret identities (like Clark Kent/Superman), and how these characters change from their "ordinary" selves to their super-human selves. The students created their own character with a secret identity, then created imaginative stories about those characters!


Pickles and Boo by Aggie


Darth Starkiller A.K.A Master Ark! by Nikita

"He is the Padwan of Darth Ren. He has a blue and red light saber. He would have an oxygen mask on. And he has a gray face and has no hair, beard or mustache. Also, he has a giant scar on the right side of his face. Darth Starkiller turns off his red light saber and takes off his oxygen mask and turns it off. Also, he turns of a special computer on his chest so he would be able to breathe. Also, he is hunting a Jedi named Ajjaie Ventress. Later he finds Darth Ren choking Ajjaie Ventress and he gets his light saber and fights Darth Ren but at the last second his robot arm was chopped off and his computer was damaged and he couldn't breathe and was thrown off the 1,000 story building!!!!!!!!"


Mill Creek Elementary Writers!



Fletcher Maynard Authors - Read It Here First!

Our 2nd-5th grade writers at Fletcher Maynard Academy in Cambridge, MA have been having a great time writing about treasure and found objects with "TMWFI!" teacher Kate.


Students wrote about what a found object is, where they might find one and/or what the object is used for in a short story.

There was a dolly with a lot of makeup and a cute tutu. One day she got lost in the dryer. When we went to the dryer there was nothing in there! I thought a monster ate the dolly because all we saw was a little foot. After that happened, I went to my room and jumped into bed and cried for an hour. I opened my eyes and the dolly was sitting under my pillow. I thought it had all been a bad dream…”It wasn’t a dream,” whispered the dolly. 



The marble had a blue line and it was clear. I called it “my little booger.” I lost it in an ocean themed room. It was covered in blue and indigo tiles, wallpaper and paint. All I know is my marble fell on the ground and rolled away. I lost track of it and it went in to another dimension!



After listening to a story about long lost twins (a "treasure" is not always an object!), students wrote their own stories about long lost twins.

Once upon a time there were long lost twins sisters named Daicha and Tasha. Tasha loved to travel a lot and Daicha loved to stay in one place. Tasha loved to find things and bury them. Daicha loved to play with very fun toys. One time, Daicha went to the beach with her family. She was going to jump in the ocean when she tripped on something. It was a very old gold clock!



Once there were three girls and they went to school together. They were best friends. The girl’s names were Emma, Marcia and Celine. They decided because they were best friends for such a long time that they wanted to go on a trip. So they went to California all together. They had a nice home in California and a nice time swimming. It was a really pretty straw house and it was close to a big ocean. One day, Marcia went to go swimming and she didn’t return. Celine and Emma wondered where she was!


Students explored the idea of "treasure" - what makes something valuable?

“Roza we need to talk so come to my room, “ Roza’s mom shouted. Roza ran to her mom’s room. Roza’s mom sighed and said, “There’s something important I need to tell you.” “Yes,” Roza said in a worried voice. “We need you to go to the island called the Lost Island.” “Why?” Rosa asked. “Because we need someone your age to go so we chose you.”



“When are we leaving?” Rosa asked. “No you are going alone,” her mom told her. ”I’m going alone?” Roza said. “Yes, I’m afraid so,” her mother said in a sad voice. “You need to go pack because the plane will be leaving in two hours.” “Ok I’ll go pack.”

While Roza was packing her stuff she came across a necklace of her family. While she was looking at it a tear came down her eye so she put it in her pocket and started packing some more.



She packed clothes, stuff for her hair, sunglasses, a notebook to write about her trip and some other things. When she was done it was time to go. So her mom drove her to the airport. When they got to the airport Roza walked to the plane she was getting on. When she was on the plane it started to take off. Once it took off she started to write in her notebook about the plane ride.


