
Charlotte Reveals Her Recipe for Witches

Recipe for Witches

1. Cup of chocolate kisses

2. 2 cups of bubble gum

3. 2 peacock feathers

4. 3 braided horse hairs

5. 5 pearls

6. 2 cups of crickets

7. 1/2 cup of erasers

8. 5 cups of flowers

9. 1 cup of lavender

-Charlotte, 2nd grader at Grattan Elementary



Why Not Write Wednesdays? Creative Writing Prompts for Kids!

Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self!  It's the time of year when leaves change colors, weather turns cooler and creepy crawlies spin their webs around town.

Today,make up a joke about a super smart metal spider with laser beam eyes!

Share with us! Post your descriptions in the comments section of our blog.



Why Not Write Wednesdays? Creative Writing Prompts for Kids!

Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self!  Almost everyone we know grew up hearing or reading fairy tales. Did you ever think about what happened to your favorite fairy tale character after the last page? Write a short story about what happened next - it can be the next hour, the next day or the next year.

Share with us! Post your descriptions in the comments section of our blog.



Conner Reflects On Who He Is


I am smart and observant I wonder if there is eternal life I hear waves crashing on the shore with a strong breeze I see a tree that has been standing tall for hundreds of years I want world peace and a dog who doesn't do his business I am smart and observant

I pretend to be looking down at the world from the moon I feel water rushing down Niagara Falls I touch my dog's furry little face I worry about people I ask people many questions I am smart and observant

I understand that I am one of billions of humans I believe that my family cares for me I dream weird dreams I trust my friends I hope to live to be 100 I am smart and observant

-Connor, Chabot Elementary
