
Why Not Write Wednesday: Spring has Sprung!

Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self!

Spring is finally here, flowers are beginning to bloom and baby green grass is sprouting up all over the place. In many parts of the country snow is melting, creating little rivers and pools throughout the countryside.

Take a look a the picture below. Write a story that takes place in this spring landscape. Is this someone's backyard? Is it out in the wilderness? Do elves and fairies live there or is it a wading pool for kids. Use your imagination to craft a springtime tale.

Share with us! Post your story in the comments section of our blog.



Read It Here First - Student Poetry "Pond"

A verdant poem written by a student in our poetry residency program at Sunset Elementary in San Francisco from our curriculum called, "Take My Portrait", focusing on how to paint vivid, memorable portraits in words. 


Gaze up
At the thin green canopy
of branches.
The small
Beams of sunlight
Manage to push through.
The beam
Looks almost green
As it shimmers down on
If you want to find green.



Why Not Write Wednesday: A Camping Adventure

Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self! 

Today's writing prompt is about camping.  Have you ever gone on a camping trip? What was it like? Imagine you are going to take a trip to the wilderness for a few days.  Write a descriptive story about the things you seehear and smell on your wilderness adventure.

Write about where you will set up camp. Will your tent be in a rustic spot in the middle of a forest or in a field of green grass?  Who will join you on this camping trip, will it be a large group, a few special people or would you go alone?  Would you come across any wild animals or have to deal with stormy weather?  Take us along on your adventure and tell us what happens next!

Share with us! Post your story in the comments section of our blog.



Read It Here First – Student Poetry!

This lush poem, written by a student at Sunset Elementary in San Francisco, explores how to paint vivid, memorable word portraits, using color.

If You Want To Find…
by Sophia

If you want to find green,
Have a picnic
At the park.

Set down a soft
Green blanket that
Into the vibrant
Green grass.
Sit down
Pull open the
Picnic basket
Pull out
A sandwich
That has
crunchy green lettuce.



Read It Here First – Spring Has Sprung!

Happy First Day of Spring!  Nia, one of our intrepid Next Chapter Club Writers wrote this excellent story about mischievous Spring. Enjoy!

I was grinning in triumph! I had stolen Independence Day from the unsuspecting Summer. We were currently in one of those girl drama situations, and, to get back at her for saying I was reckless and irresponsible, I stole Independence day. Of course, that would only affect America because other countries celebrate Independence Day on different days. But, at the time, I was, yes, reckless and irresponsible, so I didn’t bother to think. I knew the mature Summer would chase after me sooner or later, but I didn’t think about that either. I chose the Fourth of July instead of Father’s Day because I wanted something less boring than Mother’s Day to be in my range of holidays.

People were really confused. One person said, “Hey, did you hear that the Fourth of July moved to April?” “What?” said his friend. “My calendar says it’s on July 4.” People traditionally eat summer fruits on the Fourth of July and are in the mood for barbecuing in the summer, so, things changed. A lot. I moved Fourth of July to a Sunday. So, the kids couldn’t stay up to watch the fireworks because it was a school night. They couldn’t eat watermelon because it wasn’t in season. Summer ratted me out to Autumn (my best friend), and gossipy, giggly Autumn told Winter. When Winter gets mad, she goes crazy and insta-freezes everything in sight. So, yeah. Winter was so mad that she froze everyone until I apologized and reversed it. “Okay, fine. I’m really sorry,” I said. “I’ll reverse this. Here, Summer. You can have the Fourth of July back.” And from then on, I thought before I did something.



Why Not Write Wednesdays: What Are You Afraid Of?

Every Wednesday our creative writing prompt challenges you to pick up your pen and indulge your author self! 

Today’s writing prompt is about what scares you.  A few weeks ago we posted some mystery stories on our blog that were written by TMWFI 3rd grade students in North Virginia.  The students embraced their fears and wrote about strange noises in the night, ghosts and killer shark attacks.  Did you know that writing about something that really scares you is a great way to get over your fear?

Write a mystery story about something that scares you.  If you need ideas or inspiration check out our blog post from March 10th.  Notice how our mystery writers took their time building up the suspense and using lots of descriptions for the things they could see, hear and feel.

Share with us! Post your story in the comments section of our blog.
