
Nicolas: (Secret Poems/Prompts): “If I lost my secret the ocean’s heart will slowly sink to the bottom and after there will be a drought. I found my secret at the bottom of a pyramid and it is guarded by two gargoyles and a phoenix the last one Dracula.


Emma: (Secret Poems/Prompts):

“I found it (secret) in the middle of the dead sea

thousands of feet underwater

where no fish go

inside a witch’s lair

where glowworms

danced along the entrance

to light my way”



Alia: (Secret Poems/Prompts) “I found my secret in a dark closet. It had fuzzies and it was disgusting and smelly.


 Lilo: (Secret Identities): “Black cat is best described as a abnormal male black cat, considering that he’s 5 inches tall. He is also not so normal because he hunts fawns and bears. Black cat can transform…from his scruffy black fur to a small costume…red leotard, a red cape and a pair of red tights.”


Asher: (Secret Poems/Prompts): I found it in the corner of a torn tapestry. It was smiling as if it wanted me to take it from its evil clutches. I thought its heart was dancing as if it was flying towards its home. I felt as if it would disappear forever if I left it. Just waiting for its freedom. I felt as if I found it a million years ago.


Zoe: (Secret Poems/Prompts): If I lost this secret my house would explode and my heart would explode…I would die with my prayers and eat a pie on the way…and I would get a friend in heaven…”


Jackson: (Secret Recipes): “ 1 oz. Alcohol / 5 oz. Ice water / 1 oz. Hot lava / 1 Stone / Stir until bubbling – It came to me when my brother died in an old abandoned book that I found in a boarded up library **be careful there is no air when doing this otherwise it will explode ** It was coded but on a folded page I found a decoder. The only other coded word was on the cover. I realized it was (insert Jackson’s code here…)


Noe: (Secret Identities): “My characters secret identity is to turn into a leopard man. He looks like a regular leopard in the grassland and his name is leopard man.”


Shoka: (Secret Identities): It’s name is Paper Fold. It is a girl…she has a ribbon in her hair. She is 9 inches and her power is to turn into a paper crane. Her skin is white.” 

