Our students' at Thornhill Elementary have been enjoying some food writing. We hope you enjoy this tasty tribute and a very special recipe.
Ode to Ice Cream
by Jake
Oh sweet icey ice cream.
You are a color of many flavors.
You look like a big chunk of ice,
ice cream.
by Jake
Recipe of Me
by Alanna
a table spoon of dog,
a cup of Minecraft,
two cups of cops 'n robbers,
a tablespoon of musician,
a spoonful of "playful",
two table spoons of "shugar",
three spoons of gamer,
one spoon of sister, now
mix well. Preheat the oven
to 100 degrees for 10 minutes. "Rince" her and
let her dry for 15 minutes. Then
you have a Alanna! [sic]
by Alanna