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Mill Creek Elementary's Secret Writing Society!


Mill Creek Elementary's Secret Writing Society!

This fall, young writers in 3rd and 4th grade at Mill Creek Elementary in Geneva, Illinois became part of a secret writing society and entered the world of all things untold! We had a wonderful time exploring and writing about all kinds of secrets - secret codes, secret identities, secret recipes and more. Here are some of their writing projects - click on each picture to see the work in his/her own writing!

During "Secret Recipes", students came up with their own recipe of themselves by thinking of themselves as an ingredient list. They shared what makes them special in terms of ingredients like personality, talents, likes, etc.!

Recipe of Me by Olivia

We talked about characters that have secret identities (like Clark Kent/Superman), and how these characters change from their "ordinary" selves to their super-human selves. The students created their own character with a secret identity, then created imaginative stories about those characters!


Pickles and Boo by Aggie


Darth Starkiller A.K.A Master Ark! by Nikita

"He is the Padwan of Darth Ren. He has a blue and red light saber. He would have an oxygen mask on. And he has a gray face and has no hair, beard or mustache. Also, he has a giant scar on the right side of his face. Darth Starkiller turns off his red light saber and takes off his oxygen mask and turns it off. Also, he turns of a special computer on his chest so he would be able to breathe. Also, he is hunting a Jedi named Ajjaie Ventress. Later he finds Darth Ren choking Ajjaie Ventress and he gets his light saber and fights Darth Ren but at the last second his robot arm was chopped off and his computer was damaged and he couldn't breathe and was thrown off the 1,000 story building!!!!!!!!"


Mill Creek Elementary Writers!



Secret Writers at Glenview Elementary

Glenview Elementary's 3rd-5th graders have been writing about "Secrets" this fall. They created secret identities, recipes, mysteries...the rest we can't tell ;)! Here are some of their creations from a day working on secret codes:


GLENVIEW_Aidan Aidan left you clues at the bottom.



Can you decipher Amari's code?






Arwyn's story



Maksim's story


Our Glenview Secret Writers Hard at Work!





The Secret Writers at Chabot Elementary

Chabot Elementary's 4th-5th graders spent this spring working on "Secrets". They created secret identities, recipes, mysteries...the rest we can't tell ;)! Read some of their creations below:

"As I look in the mirror I see someone different than the real girl. All of the talents I posses have changed. I do not see the brave girl who can keep a straight face while her teacher yells at her. In her place, I see a dirty, sassy girl who stares back with an "Is that so?!" expression on her face. Instead of the girl who can break up and sort out fights between kids even five years older than her, I see a Talk-Back-So-What-Girl sighing and rolling her eyes..." -Anthony James Cardanal (student's pen name)

"One day when I was walking home from school I saw a rabbit leap out of the bushes. It suddenly stopped when it saw me. The rabbit jumped to me so I could pet him. I picked him up and brought him home. I found a box and put him in it. Every night he makes a lot of noise so I have to give him carrots every night. His favorite foods are carrots and lettuce. His name is Fred. I hope my parent's don't find out!" -Ceci

"My secret is made from...sugar, soda, apple, yogurt, salt, pepper, egg and water. My secret was found in a trash can. My secret can make you walk through walls..." -Andrea

"Marigold stood outside in the pouring rain and shuddered. Her white shirt was getting stained...and it was picture day! Could it get any worse? Yes. Marigold held up her lunchbox, which was filled to the brim with water! Today was horrible. Marigold seethed..." (excerpt from a story in progress) -Sarinah Our Chabot Secret Writers


Chabot Spring 2014

