Chabot Elementary's 4th-5th graders spent this spring working on "Secrets". They created secret identities, recipes, mysteries...the rest we can't tell ;)! Read some of their creations below:

"As I look in the mirror I see someone different than the real girl. All of the talents I posses have changed. I do not see the brave girl who can keep a straight face while her teacher yells at her. In her place, I see a dirty, sassy girl who stares back with an "Is that so?!" expression on her face. Instead of the girl who can break up and sort out fights between kids even five years older than her, I see a Talk-Back-So-What-Girl sighing and rolling her eyes..." -Anthony James Cardanal (student's pen name)

"One day when I was walking home from school I saw a rabbit leap out of the bushes. It suddenly stopped when it saw me. The rabbit jumped to me so I could pet him. I picked him up and brought him home. I found a box and put him in it. Every night he makes a lot of noise so I have to give him carrots every night. His favorite foods are carrots and lettuce. His name is Fred. I hope my parent's don't find out!" -Ceci

"My secret is made from...sugar, soda, apple, yogurt, salt, pepper, egg and water. My secret was found in a trash can. My secret can make you walk through walls..." -Andrea

"Marigold stood outside in the pouring rain and shuddered. Her white shirt was getting stained...and it was picture day! Could it get any worse? Yes. Marigold held up her lunchbox, which was filled to the brim with water! Today was horrible. Marigold seethed..." (excerpt from a story in progress) -Sarinah Our Chabot Secret Writers


Chabot Spring 2014

