Students in our after-school and community classes are exploring all the different ways writers generate ideas, and put captivating words on the page.

Here are some writing excerpts from our young authors (and some of their parents!) at Chabot Elementary's Spring reading:


By Helen

Prompt: This I Believe...

Chabot_Helen_I Believe


By Tess

Prompt: You are home by yourself. The postman comes to the door to deliver a package. It's a large box wrapped in brown paper and says in big black letters, Caution: Content Dangerous.

Chabot_Tess_Home Alone 1


By Grace

Prompt: You are home by yourself. The postman comes to the door to deliver a package. It's a large box wrapped in brown paper and says in big black letters, Caution: Content Dangerous.

Chabot_Grace_Home Alone
Chabot_Grace_Home Alone 2


Then, both the kids AND their parents were asked to form a story starting with "Just then..." and using the characters George, Charlie, Greg, Obama, and Dr. Bob Shishkabob.

See what they came up with!

Just then...1
Just then...2
Just then...3
Just then...4
Just then...5

Just then...6

Just then...7
Just then...8
Just then...9
Just then...10
Just then...11
