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Odes to Food & More from our Young Writers at Sunset Elementary

SUNSET Fall 2014 TMWFIThis fall the 3rd-5th grade students at Sunset Elementary focused their creativity on food writing. Using all of their senses to write similes and metaphors, to personify food, making them characters in exploring their worlds and going on adventures; they've written odes to the food they like best, and even recipes of themselves.  

From "Odes to Food"

Ode to Melons

In Summertime melons roam the streets of the city. Honey Dew Melon is as sweet as candy. Hiding in people's bags until they get home. Until he or she takes out a knife and slices the melon by its wrinkly skin. Juice gushes out, and the melon is cut into two perfect halves. by JENNIFER

Ode to Pound Cake

Oh Pound Cake. You are Mt. Everest just waiting for me to take a huge lion bite out of you. Whenever I see you I have no idea of where to start munching. Every part of you is delicious and sweet. Even if you gave me a huge, legendary stomach ache I would still gobble you up like a tiger eating a deer. by JASPER

Ode to French Fries

I walked over to delicious heaven. The item was aware of what was about to happen. It ran when it was being seasoned with salt. It ran when into obstacles all over. Finally it stopped moving. A giant picked it up. CHOP CHOP by MATT

Ode to Watermelon

Everything is miserable without watermelon. Its juicy red flesh tastes like heaven. When you take a bite, and the juicy runs down your hands like a flood, you are filled with happiness. Its green skin is like a maze, when you finally finish, you get your prize. by ISABEL From: Descriptive writing about a food you hate.


At first, I didn't like mushrooms, even though I had never tried one. Then, one day, I went to my Bubba and Zieda's house. They made something that consisted of pasta (which I like) and mushrooms. I tried one of the mushrooms, unsure of what would happen next. I popped it into my mouth, and did a cross between spitting it out and chocking on it. I knew I wouldn't like them. by SYLVIA

Food Experience!

My whole family was urging me on. The green, wet broccoli was just sitting there on my plate. When I picked it up, it felt odd and cold. I closed my eyes and took a bite. It was GREAT! by DIADORA    



Madera Elementary's Recipe Writers

Madera Elementary’s 3rd-5th graders have been writing about “Secrets” this fall. They created secret identities, codes, mysteries…who knows if they will share the rest! ;)  


Click on each photo to read some of their creations from a day working on secret recipes & free writing (in their own script):



Questions - A Gem from our Sloat Poetry Residency

Patrick, one of our Sloat Poetry Residency alumni, submitted one of his pieces from the residency to a contest and won! We are pleased and proud to reprint his poem here. Questions

Is rain the tears of god?

And why hasn’t god been crying lately, there is so much to cry about?

Why don’t fish go to preeschool,

and learn how to share?

Why do some kids hate preeschool?

And why do some of the smartest people on the planet have few friends?

Why is there so much discrimination in the world?

Why can’t people that are so much the same yet so different be friends?

Why do people be unkind to people only slightly different than themselves?

Why can’t people be friends?

Why can’t I spell freainds right?

Why do people have to yell to be heard as a whisper?

If I were to ask the man on the moon why he is so silent would he answer?

Why do I say what I write in my head as I write it?

Why Is the world so complex yet so simple?

What trigered the big bang?

What is Luck?

Why does the human race have such a major sweet-tooth?

Why is the human race never satisfied nor content?

Why does the earth greive when the sun goes down and dawns its black cloak?

Why do people get sick?

Why is it when I ask a question I get the answer no, more than yes?

By Patrick



Secret Writers at Glenview Elementary

Glenview Elementary's 3rd-5th graders have been writing about "Secrets" this fall. They created secret identities, recipes, mysteries...the rest we can't tell ;)! Here are some of their creations from a day working on secret codes:


GLENVIEW_Aidan Aidan left you clues at the bottom.



Can you decipher Amari's code?






Arwyn's story



Maksim's story


Our Glenview Secret Writers Hard at Work!





Poetry at Commodore Sloat Elementary!

Our fourth grade students at Commodore Sloat Elementary spent the spring term reading, learning, and writing poetry. They focused on different forms, worked with similes, metaphors, and personification, and learned to put forth their own ideas poetically.  

photo 1










I am a sister to Jennifer, Stephanie, Justin, and Justice.

A am funny, crazy, creative, and active

I am a lover to my family

I feel safe with family and friends

I feel free when I ice-skate

I need music, I need fun, I need play

I give love, laughter, and hugs

I fear haters

I am a resident of California

I am Amaka Duru



From an exercise in Point of View, and Personification.


The Ball’s Point of View

Balls bounce

hit the ground

feels bad

hits the racket

blasts out of the park

hits a tree

bounces onto someone’s head

is kicked

comes back

makes a grand slam.



photo 3









The Baseball

Here I am, the guy you see every day baseball is on tv. I get hurt a lot as you can see, every time a bat hits me. Here is the windup, I’m about to get thrown. Here I go. I’m up in the air. I’m going down. Smack! I hit the glove. Now I’m getting thrown up again. Hey look, it’s Buster Posey. I’m heading right to him. I’ve always wanted to meet him. I hit his glove so hard I black out. I wake up because of a shout. A man yelled, “Out!”




From an exercise in writing Odes


Ode to cards

They wait on Andrew’s cabinet for someone to challenge Andrew to a duel. When Andrew wins with his cards he brags, jumps, gets new cards. Andrew buys covers for his cards so they won’t bend. Andrew Li trades cards.

- By The Great Andrew



It was morning on a happy day,

and a cute kitten was



the stories Mommy told him about Pegasus.


he yelled.


Sister says: Cats stay on the ground

where they can eat rats.

Where humans live in their fancy hats

and feed us cats.

That help us through all our lives,

even when the humans are busy picking chives.



Ancient Writing

Waiting in a temple

Never to be discovered

The Ancient Writing yells,

“I am here explorers!

Come and get me!”

The temple said,

“They can’t hear you, dude.”

The Ancient Writing complains,

“I have always wanted to be discovered.

Why haven’t I been disc…”

Suddenly, he heard stomping.

It was an explorer.



The students were asked to consider the importance of line breaks, how to organize the words on a page, and to focus on the images they want to stand out.


My Room

I love my room

I do my homework there

and art there

and read there

and play there

sometimes dusty and

sometimes rusty

I always stay there

more than an hour

I can’t eat there but

I do

I see green walls

I hear birds

I hear music

No difference

but I love my




photo 2 









From work with Abstraction and Personification


When foolishness crashes through the window, people will run into telephone poles. People will also stick their tongues out and there will be more circuses.

When foolishness crashes through the window, people will wear huge shoes and run red lights.

When foolishness crashes through the window, people will do dumb stuff like litter, and trip and fall. -Hayden



When friendship flies through the door

Everyone has a friend

No one is lonely

Everyone is happy

No one is sad

Everyone will have fun

No one will be bored

Everyone will have someone to sit with

No one will sit alone. -Oona




When darkness walks through the door

Night will be permanent

Zombies will rise

Bats will be hunting

When darkness walks through the door

Frankenstein will awake

More vampires will summon

Love will be crushed

When darkness walks through the door

RIch will be poor

Friendship will break

Gods will be devils

Peace will be war

When darkness walks through the door

Darkness will be permanent. -Sam


When happiness walks through the door When happiness walks through the door

the dark light is no more

When white light is in ore

to the doors say no more

When happiness walks through the door. -Jalen


photo 6









When Peace walks through the door

When peace walks through the door,

Joy will fill the air

Love will be everywhere.


When peace walks through the door,

People will be nice

There will be no mice.


When peace walks through the door,

There will be no guns

People will always have fun.


When peace walks through the door,

Fighting will stop

Slaves won’t have to mope.


When peace walks through the door,

Babies won’t get sick

People will not kick.


When peace walks through the door,

Peace will be everywhere.




From looking at Pablo Neruda’s own Questions Poetry.


Do windows squint when they

see the sun?


Who makes the sky



Is laughter bitter

or sweet?


How do flowers bloom

from trees?


Who made the sky dark

when it is night?


Is darkness always

so black?


Are words happy when

they are read?


How many questions

does earth ask?





When people see or wear green, does that mean money? Where do children get lunch? How do teachers teach? Where is Disneyland located? Who is the custodian at school? Which animals can fly?



Question Poem?

Why does family matter?

Why does matter matter?

Why do close pins pinch the lines?

When will the earth explode?

Will everyone survive the plane crash?




From an exercise in repetition, and the work a repeating line should do.


She walks up a hill

for far from the city.

She lies in the grass,

watching stars.


The stars sparkle.

The stars sparkle.

The stars sparkle.


Making wishes on the stars in the sky, trying not to make the stars pass by. -Alyssa


Star gazing

I look up at the beautiful sky,

The stars shimmer and shine.

I look up at the beautiful sky,

stars make constellations,

the moon big and bright.

I look up at the beautiful sky,

crickets chirping in the night,

and grass beneath my feet.

I look up at the beautiful sky,

an airplane passes by. -Nicole



The sun the sun

is burning in the tree

the sun the sun

is burning me

the sun the sun

is making things grow

the sun the sun

is making glow


photo 4



The Secret Writers at Chabot Elementary

Chabot Elementary's 4th-5th graders spent this spring working on "Secrets". They created secret identities, recipes, mysteries...the rest we can't tell ;)! Read some of their creations below:

"As I look in the mirror I see someone different than the real girl. All of the talents I posses have changed. I do not see the brave girl who can keep a straight face while her teacher yells at her. In her place, I see a dirty, sassy girl who stares back with an "Is that so?!" expression on her face. Instead of the girl who can break up and sort out fights between kids even five years older than her, I see a Talk-Back-So-What-Girl sighing and rolling her eyes..." -Anthony James Cardanal (student's pen name)

"One day when I was walking home from school I saw a rabbit leap out of the bushes. It suddenly stopped when it saw me. The rabbit jumped to me so I could pet him. I picked him up and brought him home. I found a box and put him in it. Every night he makes a lot of noise so I have to give him carrots every night. His favorite foods are carrots and lettuce. His name is Fred. I hope my parent's don't find out!" -Ceci

"My secret is made from...sugar, soda, apple, yogurt, salt, pepper, egg and water. My secret was found in a trash can. My secret can make you walk through walls..." -Andrea

"Marigold stood outside in the pouring rain and shuddered. Her white shirt was getting stained...and it was picture day! Could it get any worse? Yes. Marigold held up her lunchbox, which was filled to the brim with water! Today was horrible. Marigold seethed..." (excerpt from a story in progress) -Sarinah Our Chabot Secret Writers


Chabot Spring 2014

